
The resources outlined below include data and policy tools for public policymaking and service provision, related to racial inequity and homelessness. These resources were developed by members of the working group and their partners.

  • CSH’s Racial Disparities and Disproportionality Index (“RDDI”) looks at 16 unique systems and measures whether a racial and/or ethnic group’s representation in a particular public system is proportionate to, over or below their representation in the overall population (proportionality) and also allows for the examination of systematic differences between groups and geographies (disparities). The RDDI provides a standardized comparison between groups.

  • The Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response provides guidance to communities on how to use a wide range of federal funding sources, including CARES Act programs, strategically across key public health and economic recovery strategies to meet public health goals, increase housing stability, and prevent future increases in homelessness  –  all with a racial justice and equity lens.

  • The National Innovation Service created the Equity-Based Decision-Making Framework and Assessments to support homelessness service system administrators and stakeholders in improving system processes and policies to proactively advance racial equity by disrupting decision-making.